Wednesday, 9 March 2011

What is a film pitch?

A pitch is when a writer of a script or story or a director go to producers to try and attract their interest so that they will fund the project so you can make it.

A pitch should give a good sense of narrative structure to make it clear, it should also develop ideas about main characters and suggestions on who could play them. The concept and genre should be clear. The pitch should also make the film sound interesting and exciting to sell it. 

Film production cycle

This is the first stage in the cycle. At this stage the key things such as the director, main cast and the cinematographer. The final script is also ready by the end. Also all other things such as props and sets are made in preparation of the production.

At this stage the film is shot and some more crew may be needed to help.

At this stage all of the extras such as sound effects and visual effects are add and the film is edited together and made to run smoothly. The opening and closing credits are also put in.

This is where the deal is made with a distributor who will start a marketing campaign this usually involves posters being made and trailers being shown to promote interest for the film. Also sometimes stars of the film and the director do interviews too gain interest. 

This is when the film is sold to cinemas at agreed prices and the film gets a percentage of the ticket price. This is why they try to make money from food.